PLACE/PORTAL (Stati Uniti, 2021, 3’)
Categoria: Cortometraggio
Genere: Danza moderna, Danza contemporanea
Produttore: Shawna Virago
Regia: Sean Dorsey
Fotografia: Annalise Ophelian
Montaggio: Sean Dorsey
Cast: Sean Dorsey
Ambientato in vasti campi e insenature acquatiche, PLACE/PORTAL è un film di danza con il coreografo-ballerino transgender Sean Dorsey, vincitore di Emmy Award.
PLACE/PORTAL chiede: cosa succede quando un corpo trans può sognare il Futuro?
Questo cortometraggio fa parte di una serie di film di danza creati come parte del progetto THE LOST ART OF DREAMING di Sean Dorsey Dance. Il corto è stato selezionato per due Festival: Translations: Seattle Trans Film Festival (2022) e FIVC, INTERNATIONAL SCREENDANCE FESTIVAL OF CHILE (2022).
Sean Dorsey è un regista di danza, coreografo, ballerino, educatore e attivista di San Francisco. Ha ricevuto un Emmy Award (“Sean Dorsey Dance: Dreaming Trans & Queer Futures”), cinque Isadora Duncan Dance Awards, ed è un artista Doris Duke e un Dance/ USA Artist Fellow.
Ampiamente riconosciuto come il primo acclamato coreografo di danza moderna transgender degli Stati Uniti, i film e le esibizioni dal vivo di Dorsey hanno girato in più di 30 città negli Stati Uniti e a livello internazionale – e ha insegnato con la sua pedagogia esplicitamente trans-positiva in più di 35 città.
Un artista di lunga data pratica sociale, Dorsey crea le sue opere oltre 2-3 anni in profonda relazione con/ in comunità. Le danze di Dorsey sono potenti esplorazioni dell’esperienza umana – una fusione di danza a tutto gas, partnership lussureggianti, narrazione intima e teatro. Altamente fisico, accessibile, radicato nella storia, e ballato con precisione e coraggio e profonda umanità, opere di Dorsey sono stati elogiati come “squisito… Toccante e importante” (Ballettanz), “pionieristico” (San Francisco Chronicle) e “evocativo, avvincente, elegante” (LA Weekly).
Come artista insegnante, Dorsey conduce workshop, classi e DREAM LABS con una pedagogia trans-positiva – e centri e celebra il genere non-conforming e trans corpi, voci ed estetica.
Dorsey ha ricevuto il sostegno del National Endowment for the Arts, National Dance Project, National Performance Network, Dance/USA, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, California Arts Council, Creative Work Fund, Fleishhacker Foundation, Kenneth Rainin Foundation, Fondazione Nicholas B. Ottaway e Fondazione Phyllis C. Wattis.
Dorsey ha ricevuto commissioni da American Dance Festival, Bates Dance Festival, Dance Place (Washington DC), Queer Cultural Center (San Francisco), 7 Stages (Atlanta), Maui Arts & Cultural Center (Maui), Velocity Dance Center (Seattle) Highways Performance Space (Los Angeles), The Theater Offensive (Boston), Links Hall (Chicago), Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation, William e Flora Hewlett Foundation, San Francisco Arts Commission e James Irvine Foundation.
Il progetto di Sean Dorsey Dance THE LOST ART OF DREAMING indaga e immagina futuri espansivi.
Il progetto include una performance dal vivo (ora in un tour internazionale di 2 anni) e 6 cortometraggi di film di danza: AT WATER’S EDGE, SEEK/AFTER, PLACE/PORTAL, SPELL/DREAM e UNFOLD/INTO.
PLACE/PORTAL (United States, 2021, 3’)
Category: short film
Genre: Modern dance, Contemporary dance
Producer: Shawna Virago
Director: Sean Dorsey
Photography: Annalise Ophelian
Editing: Sean Dorsey
Cast: Sean Dorsey
Set in vast fields and watery inlets, PLACE/PORTAL is a dance film starring Emmy Award-winning transgender dancer-choreographer Sean Dorsey.
PLACE/PORTAL asks: what happens when a trans body can dream of the Future?
This short film is one of a series of dance films created as part of Sean Dorsey Dance’s THE LOST ART OF DREAMING project. The short was selected for two Festivals: Translations: Seattle Trans Film Festival (2022) and FIVC, INTERNATIONAL SCREENDANCE FESTIVAL OF CHILE (2022).
Sean Dorsey is a dance director, choreographer, dancer, educator, and activist from San Francisco. He has received an Emmy Award (“Sean Dorsey Dance: Dreaming Trans & Queer Futures”), five Isadora Duncan Dance Awards, and is a Doris Duke Artist and a Dance/USA Artist Fellow.
Widely recognized as the United States’ first acclaimed transgender modern dance choreographer, Dorsey’s films and live performances have toured to more than 30 cities across the United States and internationally – and he has taught his explicitly trans-positive pedagogy in more than 35 cities.
An artist with a long-standing social practice, Dorsey creates his works over 2-3 years in deep relationship with/in community. Dorsey’s dances are powerful explorations of the human experience – a fusion of full-throttle dance, lush partnerships, intimate storytelling and theatre. Highly physical, accessible, rooted in history, and danced with precision and courage and profound humanity, Dorsey’s works have been praised as “exquisite… touching and important” (Ballettanz), “pioneering” (San Francisco Chronicle) and “evocative, compelling , elegant” (LA Weekly).
As a teaching artist, Dorsey leads workshops, classes and DREAM LABS with trans-positive pedagogy – and centers and celebrates gender non-conforming and trans bodies, voices and aesthetics.
Dorsey has received support from the National Endowment for the Arts, National Dance Project, National Performance Network, Dance/USA, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, California Arts Council, Creative Work Fund, Fleishhacker Foundation, Kenneth Rainin Foundation, Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation, and Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation.
Dorsey has received commissions from American Dance Festival, Bates Dance Festival, Dance Place (Washington DC), Queer Cultural Center (San Francisco), 7 Stages (Atlanta), Maui Arts & Cultural Center (Maui), Velocity Dance Center (Seattle) Highways Performance Space (Los Angeles), The Theater Offensive (Boston), Links Hall (Chicago), Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, San Francisco Arts Commission, and James Irvine Foundation.
Sean Dorsey Dance’s project THE LOST ART OF DREAMING investigates and imagines expansive futures.
The project includes a live performance (now on a 2-year international tour) and 6 dance film shorts: AT WATER’S EDGE, SEEK/AFTER, PLACE/PORTAL, SPELL/DREAM and UNFOLD/INTO.