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Il cinema a tematica omosessuale maschile

Il cinema a tematica omosessuale maschile

Il cinema a tematica omosessuale maschile ha attraversato un incredibile percorso di evoluzione nel corso dei decenni, sfidando pregiudizi e stereotipi per diventare una potente forma d’arte e una voce importante nella rappresentazione della diversità. Questo genere cinematografico ha abbracciato la complessità delle esperienze LGBTQ+ e ha offerto al pubblico una finestra aperta su storie d’amore, identità e lotta per i diritti.
Dagli inizi pionieristici del cinema queer alle opere contemporanee di successo, il cinema a tematica omosessuale maschile ha celebrato la ricchezza delle identità queer e ha affrontato tematiche come il coming out, l’accettazione sociale, la discriminazione e la ricerca dell’amore. Attraverso una vasta gamma di generi, da drammi struggenti a commedie romantiche, questi film hanno dimostrato che l’amore e la connessione umana sono universali, indipendentemente dall’orientamento sessuale.
Questo prologo redazionale vuole esplorare l’importanza del cinema a tematica omosessuale maschile nel contesto cinematografico e sociale, mettendo in luce le sfide affrontate e i progressi raggiunti. Inoltre, ci invita a esplorare il potere dell’arte cinematografica nel plasmare le nostre percezioni, stimolando la riflessione e promuovendo la comprensione di una parte essenziale della diversità umana. Speriamo che questo genere continui a prosperare, portando avanti conversazioni significative e promuovendo un mondo più inclusivo e tollerante attraverso il linguaggio universale del cinema.

Omovies@school Gran Galà Special Editio Lombardia

Omovies@school Gran Galà Special Editio Lombardia

Omovies@school Gran Galà Special Editio Lombardia

Omovies@school Gran Gala Special Editio Lombardia

Oggi il Presidente Carlo Cremona dell’associazione Iken e direttore artistico del festival internazionale Omovies@school  incontra i ragazzi della scuola ITC Jacopo Nizzola per il Galà Special Editio Lombardia.

organizzato in collaborazione con il  Preside Francesco Perrini e la tutor e Professoressa  Francesca Numerati ,che hanno ospitato il festival nella loro scuola

THE WINNER : Cosas Que Contarte Antes De Un Túnel dir.Nacho Ros

THE WINNER : Cosas Que Contarte Antes De Un Túnel dir.Nacho Ros

Teacher Award

Title – Country – Production year – Duration

Cosas Que Contarte Antes De Un Túnel-Spagna-2021-15m

 Category (short-medium-feature film)


 Genre (fiction-animation-documentary- etc)



Mirada 21 Ufv


Nacho  Ros


Nacho Ros


José Augusto  Navarro


Óscar Chueco


Carmen Salas- Salva Monleón

Synopsis (270 characters including spaces)

Inglese –Lía is 10 years old. She is going to lose her vision. She wears it naturally, because she is a girl. But her father is invaded by fear and she only thinks about what she will lose; he wants to prepare her for when she enters that dark tunnel.A tunnel that will take them both to an unknown world.A story inspired by real events.

Italiano-Lía ha 10 anni. Sta per perdere la vista. Lo porta con naturalezza, perché è una bambina. Ma suo padre è invaso dalla paura e pensa solo a ciò che perderà; vuole prepararla per quando entrerà in quel tunnel buio.Un tunnel che li porterà entrambi in un mondo sconosciuto.Una storia ispirata a fatti realmente accaduti.


THE WINNER : Pesandero dir. Matias Dinardo

THE WINNER : Pesandero dir. Matias Dinardo

Student Award

Title – Country – Production year – Duration


 Category (short-medium-feature film)


 Genre (fiction-animation-documentary- etc)



Paloma Agüero


Matias Dinardo


Ramiro Velasco


Nahuel Snerc


Ilona Szentiványi


Ramiro Delgado- Matías Dinardo

Synopsis (270 characters including spaces)

Inglese –Boy meets boy. Almost like any love story… but what happens when you are not only discovering the other person but also yourself? Marco has just separated from his ex-girlfriend and meets Galo, a carefree and pleasant boy who shakes up his world. And the structure. And the thoughts. Because Marco thinks a lot, more than he acts, although his active mind and his hyper-obsessive analysis of everything around him can help him get closer to Galo. Boy gets boy?

Italiano-Un ragazzo incontra un ragazzo. Quasi come una qualsiasi storia d’amore… ma cosa succede quando non si scopre solo l’altra persona ma anche se stessi? Marco si è appena separato dalla sua ex ragazza e incontra Galo, un ragazzo spensierato e simpatico che sconvolge il suo mondo. E la struttura. E i pensieri. Perché Marco pensa molto, più di quanto agisca, anche se la sua mente attiva e la sua analisi iper-ossessiva di tutto ciò che lo circonda possono aiutarlo ad avvicinarsi a Galo. Il ragazzo si fa il ragazzo?


THE WINNER : El Sepulturero dir. Juanca Arniz

THE WINNER : El Sepulturero dir. Juanca  Arniz


Animated category


Title – Country – Production year – Duration

El Sepulturero-Spagna-2022-5m

 Category (short-medium-feature film)


 Genre (fiction-animation-documentary- etc)



Antonio Rosa


Juanca  Arniz

Synopsis (270 characters including spaces)

Inglese –A curious boy enters the cemetery of his town to accompany the gravedigger during a night of work.Italiano –Un ragazzo curioso entra nel cimitero della sua città per accompagnare il becchino durante una notte di lavoro.

Omovies@School, torna il festival contro bullismo e omofobia

Omovies@School, torna il festival contro bullismo e omofobia

Le testimonianze di Carlo, Mariano e Massimo narrano di impegno, successo e opportunità. Sono gli ingredienti di Omovies.school , esempi positivi di successo contro il bullismo a scuola.

Tks #ilMattino online

#noalbullismo #abbattiilmurodellodio #omoviesatschool2022


Omovies@School 2023 III Edition Awards | Winners

Omovies@School 2023 III Edition Awards Gala at the Modernissimo Multicinema in Naples

Artistic Direction by Carlo Cremona

The international festival involving youth and schools has awarded the 4 winning films out of 73 entries from 18 countries worldwide, along with a special ABAN award.

Organized by iKen Onlus and funded by the National Cinema and Image Plan for Schools promoted by the Ministry of Culture (MIC) and the Ministry of Education and Merit (MIM), in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, L’Orientale University – CLAOR, and the Riferimento Scuola Association, in partnership with AMECI, CFCC, and FlyUP.

The third edition of the Omovies@School festival (www.omovies.school), an International Film Festival dedicated to schools and young people, organized under the artistic direction of Carlo Cremona, awarded the 4 winning films of the competition at the awards gala held at the Modernissimo Multicinema in Naples. Alongside the festival director Carlo Cremona, students engaged in dialogue with Mariano Gallo, also known as Priscilla from “Drag Race Italia,” Miss Ginger Vites, Professor Giuseppe Balirano, president of CLAOR – the Linguistic Center of L’Orientale University and head of the festival’s scientific committee, and Professor Luigi Barletta from the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples.

Within the framework of the National Cinema and Image Plan for Schools promoted by the Ministry of Culture (MIC) and the Ministry of Education and Merit (MIM), the festival aims to be a cultural incubator for promoting films created by both schools and filmmakers addressing themes such as bullying, homophobia, gender violence, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

The festival’s offerings are made possible through collaborations with local institutions of excellence, such as the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, which organized film workshops with professors Luigi Barletta and Gina Annunziata, and L’Orientale University – Department of Literary, Linguistic, and Comparative Studies, as well as the Riferimento Scuola Association, involving the following schools: ITI Marie Curie in Naples, IIS Rocco Scotellaro in San Giorgio a Cremano, IIS SIANI in Naples, IC Adelaide Ristori in Naples, and ITC Jacopo Nizzola in Trezzo sull’Adda, Milan province.

“The culture of differences and inclusivity is a treasure to be safeguarded and promoted. Within the Omovies@School Film Festival, we believe that cinema can go beyond mere entertainment, offering a platform to explore diverse experiences and promote mutual understanding,” stated Artistic Director Cremona, who, through the association, also realizes projects such as corAcor – Napoli Rainbow Choir, Pride Erasmus +, the Lgbt reception house “Questa Casa non è un Albergo,” and the Rainbow Center Napoli, funded by UNAR and established in a property seized from the mafia. “In school, we should learn what it means to love in an extended sense: not to bully, not to use violence, but to accept others. Andrea Spezzacatena was a 15-year-old boy who simply wanted to live his life as he wished, and he is no longer with us because he could not bear the harassment of his peers. Through the festival, we reward works that aim to raise awareness against bullying in schools.”

This edition featured 73 competing films, involving 18 countries worldwide (Italy, France, Belgium, Spain being the majority, Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, Iran, India, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Mexico), There are 4 winning works.

Student Jury announces winners of the Omovies@School III 2023 Awards:
– Best Documentary: “Trazos Del Alma” (Spain) by Rafa Arroyo, directed by Andrea Spezzacatena.
– Best Fiction Short Film: “Pensadero” (Argentina) by Matias Dinardoe.
– Best Animated Short Film: “El Sepulturero” (Spain) by Juanca Arniz.

Faculty Jury announces winners of the Omovies@School III 2023 Awards:
– Best Documentary: “Trazos Del Alma” (Spain) by Rafa Arroyo, directed by Andrea Spezzacatena.
– Best Animated Short Film: “El Sepulturero” (Spain) by Juanca Arniz.
– Best Fiction: “Cosas Que Contarte Antes De Un Túnel” (Spain) by Nacho Ros.

Special Award from the School of Cinema at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples:
– Documentary: “Trazos Del Alma” (Spain) by Rafa Arroyo.


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The President of the Scientific Committee and CLAOR, Professor Giuseppe Balirano, emphasized the importance of inclusive language to prevent stories like Andrea’s from happening again. He expressed the university’s strong commitment to the festival, highlighting the role of education in fostering creativity, solidarity, and acceptance.

All the films are subtitled in Italian thanks to the inTRANSlation project, involving both teachers and students from the University of L’Orientale for over 10 years. The Omovies festival, focused on LGBTQ+ cinema, has reached its 15th edition and originated at the Modernissimo cinema in Naples.

In conjunction with the festival, a study day on audiovisual translation and inclusive cinema was organized at the University of L’Orientale on May 30th. The event was attended by Rector Roberto Tottoli, Maria Laudando, Director of the Department of Literary, Linguistic, and Comparative Studies, Cathy La Torre, lawyer and activist, as well as Giuseppe Balirano, Carlo Cremona, and Mariano Gallo, an actor.

Media Partner: LGBT Channel (www.LGBTChannel.tv).

Omovies@School, originally a educational project within the OMOVIES FILM FESTIVAL – International LGBTQ+ and Questioning Cinema Festival, is realized in partnership with Amesci, CFCC (Coordination of Campania Film Festivals), Claor, Fly up cooperative, Riferimento Scuola association, with the moral patronage of the Campania Region, the Municipality of Naples, the City of Caserta, the City of San Giorgio a Cremano, and the Municipality of Naples.

The Scientific Committee of Omovies@School III 2023 is composed of the Artistic Director, Carlo Cremona, the CLAOR of the University of L’Orientale, the Department of Literary, Linguistic, and Comparative Studies, the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, and the Riferimento Scuola association. The committee includes Professor Giuseppe Balirano, along with Katherine Russo, Anna Mongibello, Arianna Grasso, Marina Niceforo, Francesco Nacchia, Annalisa Raffone, Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo, and doctoral students Arianna Del Gaudio and Roberto Esposito. The faculty members from the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples include Luigi Barletta from the Film School and Gina Annunziata from the Photography School. DG Immacolata Iadicicco, President, and Professor Monica Cacciatore from the Riferimento Scuola association are also part of the committee.

Tutors from schools and professors Prof.ssa Bian

co, Prof.ssa Grimaldi, Prof.ssa Di Simone, Prof.ssa Numerati, and Prof.ssa Costanza are also involved.

PRESS OFFICE | Alessandro Savoia
Organizational Secretariat | Sara Vricella

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